Well, if it is true that you are what you eat, I am a pig! I love all things hawg; sausage, bacon, ham, pork chops, pulled pork, pork loin and pork rinds. The only thing I won't is pigs feet or brains ( they eat those in scrambled eggs, gag). There was a campaign awhile back that said that pork was the other white meat. True story! There are a million different ways to eat pork. A lean cut of pork chop is really a great source of protein that is low in fat.
The thing with trying to eat a lower carb diet is pork rinds being a staple for a quick and filling snack. I love the kind that you puff up in the microwave like popcorn. So good!
Not sure if pork rinds would be considered healthy. I do believe they are better for me than potato chips!! Anyways....................
I have had three full days of low carb eating. I have to admit that I feel better without all the junk. I did eat oatmeal which is a no no on low carb. But I consider that a slow carb so I think that is ok for my purposes right now. It was the old fashion kind and I didn't put any sugar in it. Other than that one thing I have done amazingly well. Kuddos to me!
The one thing I don't care for when it comes to low carb is the lack of variety. I don't feel I am a plane jane eater but when you are super busy its hard to come up with good stuff to eat. I need someone to give me some good ideas or better yet make me some good food.
The one major thing I LOVE is the feeling of being in control of myself. When I am restricting myself from a certain food I feel better about my choices and my whole attitude changes. Mind of matter is a huge deal. Going back to the idea of I AM PIG....when I believe myself to be out of control and not worth trying hard...then that is what I get. If I believe I am a big fat slob I portray myself that way....that is how I see myself and therefore that is how I act. But when I see myself as a person taking control of her life..........I feel confident. So even if I am Miss Piggy I am cute one!