I have been quite lately. Not too much too post on the weight loss high thing. More like weight loss woes. I. have. eaten. like. a fool. Truth! Sandwiches, chips, dip, crackers, pie, a Little Debbie, hamburger with the bun, a breakfast biscuit, etc... Shall I go on? No diet food. More like DIE from it food. I am a glutton for punishment. But it taste so good!!!
In just a few days my family and I are going on a cruise. Can I be blatantly honest? I probably will not gain anything during that time. Why? Cause I LOVE a good salad. I can eat them daily. They have great salad bars on cruises with an array of vegetables to choose from. I love it! I would eat that way at home too but it takes prep work. Small town USA doesn't have a great variety of yummy salad fixings to choose from. Plus it is fall and soon to be winter. Who really eats salads in winter? It boils down to being too lazy to prepare. Also, cruise desserts have never been that great to me. Most aren't as sweet as I like them to be. Except for the endless ice cream!!
Adding insult to injury I had to ask a pretty lady who deems herself "BIG HANNAH" to borrow some summer clothes for the trip. I don't have many I can wear anymore. I wouldn't call anyone that name!! She calls herself that though. She is really tall and quite overweight. But I have no room to talk. But........................I am going to borrow her clothes! Does that say anything to me? YES!! It says get off your butt and do something to make a change!
When I get back from the cruise can you all help me get started again?
I am going back on the Plexus Lean Shakes because I know they work!
Until then...........................................I'll just be a fatty.